صحة, التجميل, عمليات جراحية, جمال, مركز تجميل, عيادة, ازالة الشعر, تكبير الثدي, شفط الدهون , تجميد الدهون , فيلر, بوتكس, هايدرا فيشال , هايدراكول, ليزر ازالة الشعر, تقشير كيمائي, تقشير البشرة, ميزوثيرابي, طب الاسنان التجميلي, تحديد اللحية, Health, Cosmetic, Surgery, Beauty, Beauty Centre, clinic, Hair removal, Breast enlargement, Liposuction, Fat Freezing, Filler, Botox, Hydra Facial, Hydracoll, Laser hair removal, Chemical peeling, Peeling skin, Mesotherapy, Cosmetic dentistry, Beard identification

Informing him of his rights and information on his case, and responding to his inquiries in a simple language.

  • Knowing the treating physician and the caregiving team.
  • Receive appropriate care in the event of pain or disability.
  • Obtaining appropriate care (if available in the hospital) that respects the patient’s values ​​and beliefs and dignity, and taking into account equality in providing it.
  • Knowing the information related to his care, and participating in the decision-making related to it, after being informed of its results, its alternatives and the consequences of not adhering to it.
  • To be informed of the benefits, complications, alternatives, and success rates of interventional procedures, surgeries, anesthesia, hypnosis and injections, medicines, and to sign a declaration of approval before performing or giving them.
  • Refusal of care and failure to continue treatment after clarifying the consequences thereof.
  • Maintaining his security, properties, privacy, and confidentiality of his information.
  • Meet his needs and submit complaints or suggestions, and the hospital seeks to adopt them.
  • Knowing the prices of the services provided in the medical complex.
  • Rights defined by the regulations and laws of the Ministry of Health.

Duties of the patient

  • Respect and follow the system and the applicable rules, as well as other patients and employees of the medical complex.
  • Providing the treating team with all information about the medical history.
  • Follow the treatment plan agreed upon with the treating physician.

Inform the treating team of any symptoms or changes in their health status, including pain.

  • Not to leave the hospital while undergoing treatment without permission from the treating doctor and the hospital administration.
  • Take responsibility for the consequences resulting from refusing treatment or leaving the hospital in violation of the advice of the treating doctor, and signing the necessary declarations for that.
  • Respecting the official visit dates, and the failure of children under 10 years of age to visit except for Fridays and public holidays.
  • Commitment to maintain hospital facilities.
  • Not entering food from outside the hospital, in order to preserve the health of patients.
  • Fulfilling financial obligations to the hospital on the scheduled dates.
  • Not to leave the hospital during the stay for treatment.